We repressurized the system this morning about 8AM. We had a delivery from Fresh Water Haulers (great people to work with) of about 4,600 gallons. We’re trying for another this afternoon. We’re still consuming more than we produce, so we’ll likely need to shut down in the evenings for a while. We’ll need to shut down earlier (was nearly midnight last evening), perhaps 9PM. Our historical data shows the evening usage really trails off after 8:30PM. We can’t satisfy everyone’s needs. We know people get home from work late. The best we can do is cover the most valuable time we can. The best thing we can all do is to FIND THESE LEAKS. The emergency situation will not end until we’re back to our normal levels of consumption, not three times what it should be. Keep checking, even if you think you’re in good shape. We’ve had multiple new leaks appear at locations they thought were in good shape.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update, Noon, 12/28