We’ve fully repressurized the system. We’ll run until we’re at critical water levels in the storage tank and then we shut down until it recharges. There’s not much else we can do until all the major breaks are discovered and fixes to toilets are applied.

As of last night, we’re still using nearly twice what we normally do (normal is 12k gallons/day). The issues are, almost certainly, remaining undetected breaks (wastes up to 6k gallons a day) in home pipes from the storm freeze and power cut. We also need you to check your toilets. A leaking toilet flapper can cause the loss of up to 1k gallons a day. Worse, that water doesn’t fall on the ground, it floods our septic system.

Our usage has been creeping up in the last few months (was 9-11k, now 11k to 13k) with a few large spikes (15k-16k) that settle back down a day later. This is an anomoly for us. Leaks don’t heal themselves, so this may be defective toilets. We’re probably a couple good leaks and a few toilets away from back to normal. Fixing a flapper is quick, easy and cheap. Please have a look and listen for these as well.

We’ve had very good interactions with the state thus far, and we appreciate their assistance. They understand that this is an ‘end user’ problem, not a system failure per se.

We’re considering an update that covers all of this in the form of a handout we can deliver to homes. We are aware some people are unable to access this site or receive email.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Friday, Dec 30, 9:30AM