Water Leak…

The joys of old infrastructre strike again:

Water leak near 429 Hemlock

No word yet if we’ll need to shut the system down to repair it. We’ll keep updating this page and send email via Property Management if necessary.

— SGCC Board

Monthly Board Meeting (November)

Monthly Board Meeting

St. George Community Co-op
Board Meeting Agenda
November 16th, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Manager
    • Finance
    • Membership
    • Rules
    • Operations
  • Old Business
    • Northwest Septic Project
  • New Business
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session (if needed)
  • Adjournment

Due to the state’s request to limit gatherings, we’ll be running the meeting online.  Members that wish to participate may call into the following number and remain for all but executive session. Please see the bulletin board near the mailboxes for dial-in info.

Monthly Board Meeting (October)

Monthly Board Meeting
St. George Community Co-op
Board Meeting Agenda
October 19th, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Executive Session
  • Reports
    • Property Manager
    • Finance
    • Membership
    • Rules
    • Operations
  • Old Business
    • Newsletter
    • Northwest Septic Project
  • New Business
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session (if needed)
  • Adjournment

We’ll be meeting at the Little Red Schoolhouse in the town center.

Thank you,
SGCC Board of Directors

Monthly Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting
St. George Community Co-op
Board Meeting Agenda
September 21st, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM, Hybrid

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Manager
    • Finance
    • Membership
    • Rules
    • Operations
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment

Due to the pandemic we’ll be holding the meeting partially online and partially in
person at the little red schoolhouse. For information on joining us for the public
portion of the meeting, please see the community bulletin board near the
mailboxes. You may join by telephone using the number provided and meeting ID
given. Please remember that these are intended for members only, but we’ll try to
accommodate under the circumstances. Should issues arise, we will end the
public portion of the meeting.

NOTICE: Water Leak

We have received a report of a water leak near a curb stop on Hemlock, toward the intersection with Chestnut. We have notified Pillsbury Excavating who will be responding within a couple of hours. We don’t know yet if he will be able to make the repair without turning off the water, but this area is favorable to doing so as it’s near the end of the upper loop and high in the system. There may be an interruption to the water service. More information to follow.

UPDATE: It is a minor leak and the repair will be made on Monday when our contractor would be available. We don’t know yet what time the contractor will be here on Monday. You should be prepared for a possible interruption to the water service. We will update as we get more information.

Monthly Board Meeting

St. George Community Co-op Board Meeting Agenda
August 25th, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM, Online

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Manager
    • Finance
    • Membership
    • Rules
    • Operations
  • Break (5 min)
  • Old Business
    • Annual membership meeting
  • New Business
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment

Due to the pandemic and lack of physical access to our usual venue at the schoolhouse, we’ve been hosting monthly board meetings online. For information on joining us for the public portion of the meeting, please see the community bulletin board near the mailboxes. You may join by telephone using the number provided and meeting ID given. Please remember that these are intended for members only, but we’ll try to accommodate under the circumstances. Should issues arise, we will end the public portion of the meeting.

Thank you,
SGCC Board of Directors

Board Meeting

St. George Community Co-op
Board Meeting Agenda
August 6th, 2019 from 6PM to 8PM, Online

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Discuss and Decide on:
    1. All remaining details for the annual membership meeting including meeting location, notification mailing details, absentee ballots, nominations, etc. 
  4. Old Business as needed
  5. Executive Session
  6. Adjournment

Due to the pandemic and lack of physical access to our usual venue at the schoolhouse, we’ve been hosting monthly board meetings online. For information on joining us for the public portion of the meeting, please see the community bulletin board near the mailboxes. You may join by computer or mobile device using the RingCentral client software, or by telephone using the number provided and meeting ID given. Please remember that these are intended for members only, but we’ll try to accommodate under the circumstances. Should issues arise, we will end the public portion of the meeting.

Thank you,
SGCC Board of Directors

Monthy Board Meeting

St. George Community Co-op Board Meeting Agenda
July 20th, 2020 from 6PM to 8PM, Online

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Special Request
    • CVOEO’s MHP Outreach Program
  • Reports
    • Property Manager
    • Finance
    • Membership
    • Rules
    • Operations
  • Break (5 min)
  • Old Business
    • Annual membership meeting
    • Composting
  • New Business
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment

Due to the pandemic and lack of physical access to our usual venue at the schoolhouse, we’ve been hosting monthly board meetings online. For information on joining us for the public portion of the meeting, please see the community bulletin board near the mailboxes. You may join by computer or mobile device using the RingCentral client software, or by telephone using the number provided and meeting ID given. Please remember that these are intended for members only, but we’ll try to accommodate under the circumstances. Should issues arise, we will end the public portion of the meeting.

Thank you,
SGCC Board of Directors

Water Leak, Repair Complete

Repairs have been completed on the leak, and we didn’t need to depressurize the system! There’s a bit of follow-up to complete once the heavy rains have passed and the fix settles a bit, but no need to boil water. Special thanks (as always) to Todd Pillsbury Excavating for their prompt response and great service!

Notice of Water Leak

We have a small leak near 256 Hemlock. Out vendor will be on site around 7AM on Saturday morning for repairs. We hope to have it fixed without depressurizing the system, but as always, be prepared for a boil water notice if we have to drain the system.

Special Board Meeting, Capital Improvement Budget

St. George Community Co-op Board Meeting Agenda
July 9th, 2020 @ Virtual from  6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

6:00  Call to order, confirm quorum, approve agenda                   3 min
6:03  Discuss Draft CIP Budget                                                            57 min
Make changes as necessary
Vote on finalized budget for presentation to members
7:30 Adjourn Meeting

Boil water notice lifted, again…

We’ve just been notified that all biologic testing as come back negative. The boil warning is lifted.

This has been happening a lot lately, but as leaks are found we have them fixed, fast. We also comply with all federal, state and local regulations so as not to jeopardize our operations status and cost us considerably more.

Possible Interruption to Water Service

A water leak was discovered at 7861 RTE 2A on June 7th. Our contractor will be arriving sometime Monday June 8th to repair the line. It is quite probable that the water service to the community will have to be shut down for a short time during the repair. We apologize for the inconvenience and will update you as soon as we can.

Boil Water Notice Lifted!

Our water service operator has notified us that our biologic samples sent in for testing after the water line repair are all clear. The boil water notice is lifted.

Thanks for bearing with us while the repair and restart of the system was completed. We’ll need to depressureize the system for most line breaks due to the limited number of valves that would normally allow us to isolate various areas of the system. Each time the system is depressurized, we’re required to test and prove that no contamination has occured.

Water Outage and Boil Water Notice

We’ve had to depressurize the water system this afternoon as part of a repair on the south end of the park. We’ll be distributing a printed BOIL WATER notice. Once the system is back up, our water operator will take a sample to the state for biologic testing. Due to current circumstances, they estimate it will take until Tuesday to get an all clear at the earliest.

We’ll update the blog with more info as we receive it.

We took the opportunity to do the annual line flushing to minimize disruption in the days ahead.

Well House Maintenance Schedule

Dear SGCC Neighbors,
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there will be routine maintenance work at the Well House.  This maintenance will occur between 1 PM and 2 PM.  It is possible that you will lose pressure or water during that time.
This will be an ongoing maintenance practice until some minor upgrade to equipment occurs.
Thank you for your patience.
Board of Directors

Tax and Rent Changes

Dear St. George homeowner,

We write to tell you about the upcoming change to how the town bills for property taxes. 

When residents own their mobile-home park as a cooperative, state law requires the town to bill us homeowners directly for the property taxes instead of billing the park as a company. 

This allows homeowners to pay less in taxes if they qualify for Vermont’s Property Tax Credit. Most park residents will qualify for it. (See below for more information.)

What Is Changing

  1. From now on the Town will bill each of us for 1/120th of the property taxes for the park. 

The town bills residents twice a year, in October and April, so we all need to get ready to pay those bills twice a year.

  1. To keep residents’ expenses flat, lot rents will go down starting with April rents. 



Q: What is the math for the lot rent reduction?

A: It is based on the 2019 property tax bills of $50,911.62. (There is a bill for the park itself and one for the 2A leachfield.) Divided by 120 lots that comes to $425/year per lot, or $35/month. So the board is reducing lot rents by that amount.

Q: How much will my new tax bill be?

A: That depends on two things:

  1. The tax amounts that the state sets this year, and 
  2. Whether you file for the Vermont Property Tax Credit (“income sensitivity”).

The state usually announces new tax rates in June. We don’t know if the pandemic will delay that this year.

We encourage everyone to see if they should file for the Property Tax Credit. To do it you must also file the Homestead Declaration. You can learn more on the Department of Taxes website https://tax.vermont.gov/individuals, or call the department at 866/828-2865 (toll-free).

Water Outage

The water system is currently offline. We’re unsure of when it first began, but likely early Saturday morning. We’ve contacted our water service company for assistance.

We’ll update this post when we have additional info.

UPDATE: 1:15PM – The system issue initially seemed to have been an electrical one, but we’ve found a pressure sensor line to be plugged/frozen. Some pressure is returning to the system, but that is likely to be only temporary as we work to isolate the problem. Special thanks to Clyde Bovat for assisting us and lending his years of experience with this system.

Water Outage

We had a failure in the water system sometime around 8AM this morning. One of the pumps was found not working and we contacted our water service provider. Park operations volunteers and SOS reps worked to bring the system back online. Property Management was informed, allowing them to answer resident questions should they call.

Service was restored shortly before 10AM. During the process it was determined that another of our flow meters is malfunctioning. We’ll be working on sourcing a replacement and scheduling installation.

Pumphouse electrical work complete

We’ve replaced the old service panel that had some melted contacts due to the overloading of a couple circuits with a new panel. This new panel and breaker setup gives us more capacity and improves safety. Thanks for bearing with us while this work was completed!

Water Disruption, Sunday Evening

Our water system experienced a brief outage on Sunday evening. We’re working with our water service provider to identify the root cause and how we’ll remediate it.

There seems to be an issue with part of the pressure tank that maintains the ratio of air to water in the resulting in the tank filling completely with water.

Special thanks to our neighbors and ops volunteers John and Wayne for working with Lance from SoS and staying on top of this to keep our systems running!

Pump House Maintenance

On Tuesday, October 22nd from approximately 10AM to 1PM, we’ll be performing repairs and upgrades to the potable water pump house. An electrician will be replacing a breaker box and expanding our capability to heat the building this winter. Representatives from our water service vendor will be present for guidance.

During the repair window, residents will notice reduced water flow as power for the pumps will be offline. Please assist us in keeping the system pressurized by minimizing usage during that time.

Water Main Flushing

Saturday, October 19th between the hours of 1PM and 2:30PM the operations and maintenance volunteers will be conducting our first flushing of the water main system. This will produce the effects you’re used to, including very discolored water and air in the lines.

We strongly advise you avoid doing laundry, bathing, or running hot water until this flush is complete and you have allowed your cold (only) water to run until clear.

2019-10-21 Board Meeting

St. George Community Co-op Board Meeting Agenda
Oct 21st , 2019 @ St. George School House 6-8 PM

6:00 Call to order, confirm quorum, approve agenda (5 min)
6:05 Approve minutes of Oct. 7th , 2019 meeting (3 min)

6:08 New business 50 min

  1. Decide on tax preparer (5 min)
  2. Decide on paying town for use of meeting space (10 min)
  3. Decide on request to meet with VTDigger reporter (10 min)
  4. Set dates for Nov., Dec., Jan. meetings (10 min)
  5. Finances: End of the 2019 fiscal year (15 min)
    Reminder: members approved allocating $20,000 of surplus to property taxes

6:58 Continuing business (32 min)

  1. Q & A on property manager’s report (10 min)
  2. Membership Committee report & proposals (10 min)
  3. Rules Committee report & proposals (4 min)
  4. Ops Committee report & proposals (5 min)
  5. Q & A on CDI report (3 min)

7:30 Open forum

For residents to ask questions/ raise issues so the board can
address them in the future if they need research or decisions.

7:40 Executive session

  • Membership applications

8:00 Adjourn

All Meetings are open to members except for Executive Session.