St. George Pumpkin Giveaway

We are excited to announce that there will be pumpkins and pumpkin carving kits available at the common area by the mailboxes on October 19th, 2024, from 12-2pm. The Guillmettes from Rte 116 have very graciously donated the pumpkins for community member use! Pumpkins will be available from 12-2pm, or until supplies are gone, whichever comes first.

Thank you to the Guillmettes for donating the pumpkins; we can’t wait to see the carved pumpkins throughout the community!


Come Join your neighbors for Movie night in the park on Saturday September 21st. in the common area behind the mailboxes. Movie starts at Sunset around 7:00 PM.  Bring your own chairs, snacks, drinks, blankets, and bug spray.

Bring a movie you would like to share that is suitable for both children and adults. We’ll put them in a hat and blind pull one for Saturday’s feature. Hope to see you there.

September 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

August 19, 2024  Time:  6:00pm Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:01 PM  Volunteer to Take Meeting Minutes, Secretary Absent

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes


6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance –

6:15 PM  Membership – 590 Hemlock – interested buyer

      who wants to “rent to own”

6:15 PM   Rules Enforcement- Executive Session 

6:20 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30 PM  Old Business  – 

  • Water Inventory Survey for State- Status?  Dead Line Nearing
  • Drainage / flooding 45, 51, 57, 65 Hemlock – approved pending Pillsbury availability
  • Drainage 538 / 587 Hemlock – Pillsbury Evaluated – Quote Received, Action without Meeting 09/10/24, awarding job to Pillsbury.
    7937 RTE 2A – Septic line repair- BP to take care of 09/13 oe 09/16.
  • Bury water line under brook by well house – pending
  • Tree evaluations 518 Hemlock, 51 Hemlock, 403 Hemlock
  • Community Sign – Confirm State Right of way – do we want to order the sign? 

6:45 PM  New Business

  • Ballot Results – No Quorum – needed 51% response
  • Co-op Printer – Lisa to make room for. 
  • Appoint Board Member – Director at Large Three

7:00 PM   Open Forum

7:10 PM   Executive Session  

7:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting

Annual Membership Meeting

CVU High School, Hinesburg, VT 6:00 PM Registration Begins. Meeting Begins @ 5:30 PM. Six door prizes (gift certificates) will be awarded. Must attend to win. Come to the meeting and help us pass a resolution to meet requirements to prevent the Co-op being billed income tax.

All Members are welcome. Only Members in Good Standing can vote.


The ST George Town Offices will be open for Cooling Hours during the upcoming heat wave.  They will be open during the following hours:

Tuesday     12 PM to 7 PM

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM

Thursday       2 PM to 9P M

If you need relief from the heat , please take some time out at the Town Offices. 

  • Free Summer Meal Boxes for Children 18 and Under!

    This program starts on Monday, June 24th.

    Order your meal boxes on this form
    You will need to order meals for your children each week for the following week.

    Remember that all meal boxes must be picked up at:

    St. Jude’s Church 10759 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461
    on Mondays from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM or until all meal boxes are gone.

    Meal boxes may only be picked up by children or their parents or guardians.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Scott Wagner at:
    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Water System Updates: Storm and Inspection

Two updates regarding our water system. First, the usual boil water notice. Any time the system is depressurized, due to loss of power from the storm damage, the state requires the water be tested for bacterial contamination. Samples will be taken early this week and likely returned by Wednesday. There was no major break or digging involved and our water is chlorinated. Regardless, this is a required precautionary measure.

Second, we had our state inspection of the system which resulted in the detection of a torn screen on a vent pipe that has since been repaired. We’ve attached the required public notice here.

Overall, we were lucky with the storm, having no major tree damage and no bitter cold to deal with during the power outage. A small generator and a single transfer switch can be cheaper than a plumber to repair frozen pipes. It’s something to consider given the proximity to trees in our area’s power grid.

NOTE: We don’t run the water distribution system during outages via generator because our septic systems are mostly pump driven. Without the septic pumps (too many to run via generators) the systems would flood and eventually back up into homes. That’s a horrible outcome for anyone that has ever experienced it, so we’re not going to contribute to the problem. You may notice that several of the pump station alarms will go off when the power is restored. This is due to their sensors detecting the systems are overfilled. They overfill due to toilet flushing by manual means. We all fill buckets of water and use them, but even this much smaller amount still fills them up quite well. They seem to handle it quickly once power returns, and we’re not asking to avoid manual flushing, this is just for your information and understanding.

SGCC Board and Operations

Agenda Monthly Board Meeting 01/15/24

Monday, January 15, 2024 6 PM Little Red School House, Barber Road, ST George, VT

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes


6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM  Membership   – Nothing to Report

Rules Enforcement- Executive Session

6:15 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI – Policy Acknowledgement for New Board Members

6:35 PM  Old Business  – 

Update Trudell – Survey reports/findings

Questions for Liz and Trudell

Re-Bury water supply line under brook

287 Hemlock – drainage

6:40PM  New Business

Begin Discussion on repairs / maintenance items for spring, IE – RTE 2A ditches, installing speed bumps, 7937 RTE 2A Septic line,  Hemlock septic system – etc

6:50 PM   Open Forum

7:00 PM   Executive Session  

7:15 PM   Adjourn Meeting

SGCC Monthly Board Meeting

ST George Community Co-op Inc
Board Meeting Agenda
December 18, 2023 Time: 6:00pm
Location: Little Red School House, Barber Road
6:00 PM Call to Order
6:02 PM Approval of the Agenda
6:04 PM Approval of the Minutes
● Reports
6:05 PM Property Management
6:10 PM Finance – Treasurer Report
6:15 PM Membership – Nothing to Report
● Rules Enforcement- Executive Session
6:15 PM Operations
6:25 PM CDI – Policy Acknowledgement for New Board Members
6:35 PM Old Business –
● Update Trudell – Survey reports/findings
● Re-Bury water supply line under brook
6:40PM New Business
● Comcast / Xfinity Dividend – suggested uses?
● Begin Discussion on repairs / maintenance items for spring, IE – RTE 2A ditches, installing
speed bumps, 7937 RTE 2A Septic line, Hemlock septic system – etc
6:45 PM Sarah Tischler – update on staff, town plans and activities if available to attend.
6:55 PM Open Forum
7:00 PM Executive Session
7:15 PM Adjourn Meeting


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

November 20, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes

  • Reports

6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM  Membership   – Nothing to Report

  • Rules Enforcement- Executive Session

6:17 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30 PM  Old Business  – 

  • Update Trudell – Survey reports/findings

6:35 PM  New Business

6:45 PM  Sarah Tischler – update on staff, town plans and activities

6:55 PM   Open Forum

7:00 PM   Executive Session  


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

October 16, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes

  • Reports

6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM Membership  

  • Rules Enforcement- Executive Session

6:15 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30  pm  Old Business  – 

  • 7937 Septic Line repair-Table until spring or find another vendor
  • Possible Waterline leak at edge of 2A leach field 
  • Road patching 
  • Trudell –  297 Hemlock, 8055 RTE 2A,  – status – Pending with Pillsbury  
  • Remaining Culvert Repairs  Adam Dantzcher
  • Activity Calendar from Warrant R.

6:50  pm  New Business

  • Approve Procurement Policy for Federal Grant Purposes
  • Update ANR Grant
  • Welcome New Board Members – Arrange for policy acknowledgement forms
  • Fall Newsletter – Winter Prep reminders?
  • Update has Attorney reviewed contract from Xfinity /Comcast

7:15 PM   Open Forum

7:25 PM   Executive Session  

7:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting

Monthyly Board Meeting Agenda 09/18/23

ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

September 18, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes

  • Reports

6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM Membership  

  • Rules Enforcement- Executive Session

6:15 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30  pm  Old Business  – 

  • 7937 Septic Line repair-Still Pending
  • Possible Waterline leak at edge of 2A leach field 
  • low water pressure 441, 553, 541 Hemlock – plumber evaluation – status
  • Trudell –  297 Hemlock, 8055 RTE 2A,  – status – should complete survey by fall per Amanda and Nate

6:50  pm  New Business

  • Appoint Board Members
  • Formally Approve Option 1 Budget
  • Communication reference extra pumping due to wipes:  consequences to infra-structure and how it costs members. 
  • $10 Million in Manufactured Housing Communities Funding Available; water infrastructure
  • Review and or Approve contracts for vendors
  • Coordinate Fall pumping end of September or early October
  • Review and or approve remaining culvert and ditch work quoted by Brushhogging by Adam

7:15 PM   Open Forum

7:25 PM   Executive Session  

7:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting

ST George Cooperative

Lot Rent Increase will be effective on November 1, 2023. This increase is to ensure we can meet our financial and contractual obligations. As you know the cost of everything has gone up.

Member Lot Rent: $443.00 per Month

Non-Member Lot Rent – $483.00 Per month

Reminder: If you use your bank’s bill pay service, you will need to adjust the amount.


We will be flushing the water lines on Thursday, August 24th after 8:30 AM. This is usually a 20-30 minute process.

Once the flushing is complete, we recommend that you let the water run until it is clear.


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

August 21, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes

  • Reports

6:05 PM  Property Management 

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM Membership  

  • Rules Enforcement- Executive Session

6:15 PM  Operations

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30  pm  Old Business  – 

  • Test Results from Contaminated Well – feasibility to recertify well?
  • 7937 Septic Line repair-Still Pending
  • Possible Waterline leak at edge of 2A leach field 
  • low water pressure 441, 553 and 541 Hemlock – status
  • Trudell – next steps  -533 Hemlock, 297 Hemlock, 8055 RTE 2A,  4 Chestnut – status – should complete survey by fall per Amanda and Nate

6:50  pm  New Business

  • Board Member Resignation
  • Finalize preparations for Annual Meeting
  • Clarify process for the vote for 2 budget options
  • PMA – responsibilities
  • Costco run  Water – packaged snacks, soda 

7:15 PM   Open Forum

7:25 PM   Executive Session  

7:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

July 17, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

6:00 PM  Call to Order

6:02 PM  Approval of the Agenda

6:04 PM  Approval of the Minutes

  • Reports

6:05 PM  Property Management – Possible alternative bank information update

6:10 PM  Finance – Treasurer Report

6:15 PM Membership  – Nothing to Report

  • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session

6:15 PM  Operations – Recap VEC visit from 07/07/23

6:25 PM  CDI –

6:30  pm  Old Business  – 

  • Change in Board Emails- 
  • Test Results from Contaminated Well – research with water operator for process and possible costs
  • 7937 Septic Line repair-Still Pending
  • Culvert Repairs on Hemlock – Pending arrival of equipment
  • 553 Hemlock – still wet – Pillsbury to evaluate
  • Possible Waterline leak at edge of 2A leach field 
  • Trudell – next steps  -533 Hemlock, 297 Hemlock, 8055 RTE 2A,  4 Chestnut – status

6:50  pm  New Business

  • Quick Recap of Storm Event
  • Low Water Pressure complaints 541, 553 and 441 Hemlock
  • Status of Infrastructure Survey Grant – Reinstated and extended to June 30, 2024
  • Approve Scott M Sawyer for the Annual Audit
  • Illegal dumping at Burn Pile – Security Cameras?
    • Create policy to criminally prosecute illegal dumping
  • Review Children Structures in the By-laws / Community Rules – Swing Sets

7:15 PM   Open Forum

7:25 PM   Executive Session  

7:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting

Thursday’s 6PM Microburst/Straight-line winds

Well, that was fun…

We had a few trees down, but we didn’t see any major home damage. Some dented cars/boats and debris, but the worst part was a snapped power pole on 2A not far from our well house. About half the park is without power, including the potable water system and several major septic systems.

When the power comes up (VEC rolled in about 9PM), we’ll be under a BOIL WATER notice until we can have samples tested and cleared by the state. That may take until early next week due to lab availability.


SGC Board and Operations


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

June 19, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership  – New Member Recommendation
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
      • Discuss Policy for Removal of, installation of and site work for new or used homes – IE Concrete slab, electrical service / panels
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- 
    • Speed Bumps
    • Test Results from Contaminated Well
    • 7937 Septic Line repair-Still Pending
    • Culvert Repairs on Hemlock
    • 553 Hemlock – still wet – Pillsbury to evaluate
    • Waterline leak at edge of 2A leach field 
    • Trudell – next steps  -533 Hemlock, 297 Hemlock, 8055 RTE 2A,  4 Chestnut – status
  • New Business
    • August Membership Meeting: location, time, Board Positions Becoming Open – Will current directors run, Member Packets, Gift Cards again this year?
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session  
  • Adjourn Meeting


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

Saturday June 17, 2023  Time:  10:00am

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Receive Evaluation Results / Status of Single Family Septic System
  • Discuss options

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

May 15, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership  
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- 
    • 612 Hemlock – Status
    • 7937 Septic Line repair- Status
    • Trudell – next steps
  • New Business
    • Define process of complaints when mailed to PMA
    • Test Contaminated well for Radon levels – status
    • Culvert Repairs Hemlock – redressing existing culverts
    • Service of Coop Lawn Mower
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session  
  • Adjourn Meeting


PMA will be doing a property inspection the week of May 22nd

We just wanted to let you know so you can take some time before that to clear up possible rule violations around your lot.

Some of the issues that will be identified include (but not limited to):

  • Illegal storage
  • Maintenance issues of homes
  • Skirting
  • Lot conditions
  • Illegal vehicles
  • Parking on the lawn


Dear Neighbors, 

Jeff Wells has again volunteered his time and vehicles to remove unwanted metal and appliances for members of the community.  If you place it at the end of your driveway no later than 8 AM on Saturday, April 22nd, he will pick it up.  This is for Saturday only. If you want you material picked up please have it at the end of your driveway. Please be careful not to block any portion of the roadway.

Helping him to load it and to clean up our community would really show your appreciation to Jeff and show your pride in your community. 

Thank you,

Board of Directors, ST George Community Co-op
Property Management Associates

Post Office Box 1201Williston, Vermont 05495


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

April 17, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership
      • Recommended Approval for 133 Birch
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
      • site improvement request for 128 Birch
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- Should set deadline to switch over
    • 612 Hemlock – Should begin process to schedule
    • 7937 Septic Line repair- Should begin process to schedule
    • Trudell – awaiting report and next steps
  • New Business
    • Emergency Preparedness – set up committee after CDI/ROC set up training
    • Discussion of mailed Complaint Forms to PMA – process -accountabilty
    • Test Contaminated well for Radon levels – status
    • Adam Dantcher to fill potholes and push organic debris back to allow residents to continue taking leaves and grass to areas designated in the field where the burn pile is.  
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session  ***
  • Adjourn Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

March 20, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- Should set deadline to switch over
    • 612 Hemlock -Postponed to Spring
    • 7937 Septic Line repair- Postponed to Spring
    • Trudell should be starting again in a few weeks. 
  • New Business
    • Emergency Preparedness – set up committee after CDI/ROC set up training
    • Welcome Packet and contents for new members – 
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session 
  • Adjourn Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

February 20, 2023  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- Should set deadline to switch over
    • 612 Hemlock -Postponed to Spring
    • 7937 Septic Line repair- Postponed to Spring
    • Trudell should be starting again in a few weeks. 
  • New Business
    • Emergency Preparedness – set up committee after CDI/ROC set up training
    • Welcome Packet and contents for new members – 
    • Need New Water Operator – Clear Water Filtration
    • News Letter, Bylaw – Community Rules amendments, updated contact sheet
    • Discuss Permitting Non-Members to attend board meetings. 
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session 
  • Adjourn Meeting

Agenda January 16, 2023 Board Meeting


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

January 16  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement – Executive Session
    • Operations
    • CDI –
  • Old Business  –
    • Change in Board Emails- Should set deadline to switch over
    • 612 Hemlock – Electrical – Postponed due to illness
  • New Business
    • ROC offering new bank for interest bearing accounts for reserves etc.  Discussion. 
    • Emergency Preparedness – set up committee?
    •  Welcome Packet and contents for new members
    • Champlin Associates closing division – need new water operator
    • Discussion – Review of Christmas weekend weather – water disaster
    • News Letter, Bylaw – Community Rules amendments, updated contact sheet
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session 
  • Adjourn Meeting

Water update: Almost normal

Thanks to all the hard work, good communications and friendly cooperation, we’re effectively back to normal!

The 24hour usage numbers were within 1k gallons of a normal Sunday. I’m sure there are still slow leaks out there, but we’re able to run 24/7 (at this point, anything could happen) with a tank that’s well over half full.

Please remember, many fixes remain exposed and much skirting needs refit. Winter isn’t over for many weeks yet. Check the heating cable. Close up and insulate open areas. Finally, reinstall the skirting.

Thanks everyone!

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Friday, 12/30, 8PM

The hard work has started to pay off. We very slightly outproduced the leaks and normal demand in the last 24 hours. Tonight’s data does not include, for the full 24 hours, any repairs for today, and we know of at least one significant one. We’re still not in good shape, but we’re attempting to run all night to generate pressure cycle data for our data logging device to compare with previous known cycles, then check tomorrow night’s readings to see how much success we’ve had.

We still may have setbacks, and we still may need to shut down the system overnight to recharge if we get too low. Water delivery to keep us running will be very hard to get due to the holiday, so we may need to do it with wells alone.

Please note: Repaired areas in homes may be fixed with regards to plumbing, but with regards to patching open areas, insulation and home skirting, there is MUCH left to be redone. Don’t let the plumbing expense go to waste by allowing it to freeze again due to exposure!

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Friday, Dec 30, 9:30AM

We’ve fully repressurized the system. We’ll run until we’re at critical water levels in the storage tank and then we shut down until it recharges. There’s not much else we can do until all the major breaks are discovered and fixes to toilets are applied.

As of last night, we’re still using nearly twice what we normally do (normal is 12k gallons/day). The issues are, almost certainly, remaining undetected breaks (wastes up to 6k gallons a day) in home pipes from the storm freeze and power cut. We also need you to check your toilets. A leaking toilet flapper can cause the loss of up to 1k gallons a day. Worse, that water doesn’t fall on the ground, it floods our septic system.

Our usage has been creeping up in the last few months (was 9-11k, now 11k to 13k) with a few large spikes (15k-16k) that settle back down a day later. This is an anomoly for us. Leaks don’t heal themselves, so this may be defective toilets. We’re probably a couple good leaks and a few toilets away from back to normal. Fixing a flapper is quick, easy and cheap. Please have a look and listen for these as well.

We’ve had very good interactions with the state thus far, and we appreciate their assistance. They understand that this is an ‘end user’ problem, not a system failure per se.

We’re considering an update that covers all of this in the form of a handout we can deliver to homes. We are aware some people are unable to access this site or receive email.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Thursday, 7:30PM

We’re going to shut down tonight from 10PM to 8AM.

The storage tank needs to refill and, as we knew would happen, the wells are starting to produce a bit less due to constant use. We can’t sustain spending $1,000 a day on water delivery to keep it up all night when nearly all the delivered water will be lost by breaks that nobody will find during the night.

Weather will be excellent tomorrow. We need to find another 2-3 good leaks to get us back to normal operation. PLEASE check your property, look at your neighbor(s) and even come searching with us tomorrow. After tomorrow we’re expecting a couple days of rain, strongly reducing our chances of finding leaks.

We’ve been at this for a week now, and our volunteers are exhausted. The breaks are in or under a few more homes. Let’s end this as soon as we can.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: 9PM, 12/28 Staying Up

It looks like we’ve isolated enough issues to hold through the night. Temps are in the mid 30s right now, but will fall below freezing shortly. Tomorrow will be warmer and tomorrow night will be above freezing all night. We expect more large leaks as things thaw out. We’re not out of the woods by a long shot, but we’ve turned a corner.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update, Noon, 12/28

We repressurized the system this morning about 8AM. We had a delivery from Fresh Water Haulers (great people to work with) of about 4,600 gallons. We’re trying for another this afternoon. We’re still consuming more than we produce, so we’ll likely need to shut down in the evenings for a while. We’ll need to shut down earlier (was nearly midnight last evening), perhaps 9PM. Our historical data shows the evening usage really trails off after 8:30PM. We can’t satisfy everyone’s needs. We know people get home from work late. The best we can do is cover the most valuable time we can. The best thing we can all do is to FIND THESE LEAKS. The emergency situation will not end until we’re back to our normal levels of consumption, not three times what it should be. Keep checking, even if you think you’re in good shape. We’ve had multiple new leaks appear at locations they thought were in good shape.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: 11:30PM, not yet, but progress

Based on consumption from 10PM to 11PM and the current level of the tank, we’re still losing ground. We’ve turned off the valve sending water into the system. If we did not, the pumps would be in danger of damage and there’s simply not enough for the morning rush. We were able to operate for 12 hours today. Many people were able to catch up a bit today which accounted for a good bit of the consumption.

We have a water delivery scheduled for 8AM and perhaps a second one later. This will put us ahead for a bit, but we still need to find more breaks. We need all the eyes we can get.

Good night.

SGCC Board and Operations Volunteers

Water update: 5PM, fingers crossed

We’ve been running since 11AM this morning. At last check we were not out of the woods, but we’re getting there. We’ll take some additional consumption numbers here in a bit. Based on what we find, we may need to shut down again, but we’re cautiously optimistic. If people keep their usage reasonable to low, we might have hot water for the morning.

We have reports of homes still frozen, and those are the breaks “yet to come”, so we could quickly fall backwards. We have word that water delivery may be possible tomorrow morning. It would be best to rely on the wells, but we may need the boost to keep going until all storm related breaks are dealt with.


SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Noon, 12/27

We capped another leak this morning and began pressurizing the system at about 11AM. A single pump is holding pressure at 52psi into the lines running constantly. That’s better than yesterday. Our system pushes in cycles from 40-60psi. If the system never reaches 60psi, the pump never shuts off and never alternates to the second pump which extends the life of the pumps. We started pressurizing when the storage tank hit 8.0 feet (max), we shut down last night when it was nearing our danger level. Our wells can deliver us about 0.4′ per hour under maximum load (not good to sustain). All that said, the situation is still too dynamic (toilets filling, people purging lines of discoloration, etc.) to predict how long this can hold out. The real purpose of starting up this early is to give some time for additional leak detection.

We need everyone to check and keep checking. As pipes unfreeze, water can then reach the splits. Even if you haven’t seen a leak thus far, a new one can emerge. Check your home, look around at your neighbor(s) as well for signs of flowing water or ice buildup. As the temperature increases over the next week, it will be harder to find leaks.

We REALLY want to keep the system up so we can all have a shower, wash some clothes and clean up dishes. The volunteers all live here as well, and we’re very motivated to get this under control. Worst case scenario (at least for the system), we have to shut down again when the storage tank is empty, but as things are fixed or at least shut off, the length of time we can run increases. When we get to a constant running state, we’re still not out of the woods yet. The system can’t be stressed to the max constantly. We have to get all these leaks detected and dealt with or the infrastructure will buckle under the load.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: 4:30PM, Will be shutting down tonight.

After all the fixes so far and a few new ones during the day while we pressurized, the boosters still can’t gain on pressure or reach a shutoff point where the system alternates to the other pump to relieve it. There’s still too much demand due to leaks. We gained ground today, but we’ve seen some very bad damage to homes. When the system reaches our minimum, we’ll be turning off the valve for the night. We’ll keep it going until it starts to risk the pumps. It will recharge some overnight and we may try again tomorrow for detection purposes. Our efforts at having a water delivery to give us more runtime to help people catch up were unsuccessful. We’re not the only ones in trouble.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water Update: Noon, 12/26

Our storage tank is about half full and the pressure tank is primed and ready. Things turned out well with our booster pumps (the pumps that provide the pressure), so that’s good news. We’d like to start the system back up today at some point. Finding the best time is the difficult part. The longer we wait, the more reserve we have and the longer it will last. There have been more breaks identified and hopefully contained. The more we find the longer we can keep the system up, but we may not be able to sustain if the demand is greater than supply. Remember, we’re not a town or city, just a collection of homes running off of two wells. The infrastructure is running within normal(ish) parameters, it’s the damage caused by freezing and breaking pipes that’s pushing it beyond its limits.

We’ve delivered a Boil Water notice as required by the state. Once we have the system back to sustainable levels, we’ll have samples taken and checked for contamination. When we have the all clear, we’ll notify that the boil notice has been lifted.

Please remember, we’re all volunteers and neighbors.

SGCC Board and Operations

Water update, 8PM: Empty…

The system has been turned off for the evening, at least. We’re empty.

Our wells, running 24/7 and staying within our required blending ratio provided us 20,470 gallons. Unfortunately, our normal consumption plus all the breaks from frozen pipes caused the system to deliver over 36,000 gallons. We simply ran dry. Hopefully not to the detriment of our booster pumps.

We’ve found/fixed/mitigated about 4 breaks that we know of today. With a single break being able to dump 6k gallons in a day, only a handful can bring down the entire system. As pipes thaw out, this is likely to continue for some time, especially without help. Please walk around your homes and look for ice slicks or wet areas. It’s very hard to miss thousands of gallons unless you don’t look. Listen carefully as well. When the system is next pressurized, you may be able to hear spraying water.

This isn’t anyone’s fault. No power and a fast, hard freeze is a natural disaster for us. We’ll have some people out looking tomorrow, so please don’t be offended. This is an operations emergency and we need all the help we can get.

SGCC Board and Operations Volunteers

Post Storm Update (December 25th), Water Emergency

We restarted the water system yesterday (Saturday 24th, Christmas Eve) evening about 5PM. As usual, when the system is depressurized, we’re automatically under a boil water notice. This is a state regulation we need to comply with. We know it’s inconvenient, but that’s the rule. The earliest we can have samples taken for testing will be tomorrow (Monday the 26th) and results take a day or two depending on if the lab is open.

With the extended power cut, sharp drop in temperatures and high winds, we knew there would be multiple frozen pipe issues throughout the community. The ground is not yet frozen to any significant depth, so we don’t anticipate any deep breaks in service lines. Our problems will likely be from home pipes and services. Without working heating cables, even the supply to the home can be frozen.

At noon today, we checked the usage since 6PM last night. We’re on track for pushing out nearly 30,000 gallons of water into the system by 6PM tonight. For some context, under our best conditions we distribute 9k-13k a day. Lately we’ve been seeing 11k-13k with spikes of 15-16k (an anomoly we don’t understand as leaks don’t heal themselves). Our system is fed by two wells, one of which we can only take about 4k gallons a day from due to radionuclide contamination. We can reliably get about 16k gallons a day from them without stressing them too much. Beyond that, we’re depleting our storage tank (25k gallons) instead of keeping it filled.

Bottom line: If the leaks from homes are not identifed and stopped, we could be out of water in a couple days.

Even a single half inch line break can dump nearly 6k gallons of water a day. If you have a break and dump that much water on the ground, you WILL see it. We need everyone to walk the perimeter of their home looking for any outflows of water. We always ask this of you during water emergencies, and with snow on the ground, it’s very easy to tell who has and who has not completed these checks. Fortunately, we have identified two leaks so far today. We estimate 3-4 leaks are happening based on consumption. As pipes thaw out, there will be more. Be prepared for the system to shut down again. If it does (because we ran out of water), the boil notice will reset and we’ll continue until we return to something sustainable.

Ears and eyes folks. This isn’t over yet.

SGCC Board and Operations Volunteers

Monthly SGCC Inc Board Meeting

ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

October 17 , 2022  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement
    • Operations
    • CDI –
  • Old Business
    • Septic line replacement 7937 RTE 2A – Table until spring?
    • 553 Hemlock  Exploratory Dig – Table until spring?
    • Re-bury / winterize water line running under the brook
    • Change in Board Emails-
    • Paving Project –  Completed 10/16/22?
    • ANR – Grant for 3 Acre rules – Decision now in October  2022
    • 612 Hemlock – Electrical still pending – requote 
    • Two Homes on New Mound System, septic lines at wrong elevation.  Expected work date 10/18 or 10/19/22
  • New Business
    •  Add budget line for Excavating
    •  Welcome Packet and contents for new members
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjourn Meeting

Monthly SGCC Board Meeting

ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

September 19 , 2022  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
      • Where to allocate $7,000 that was escrowed in error – operating budget or reserves.
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement
    • Operations
    • CDI – Allow 20 Minutes

* Review the ‘big 3’ board policies (board ethics, procurement, and conflict of interest)

* Recap key relationships and obligations of the co-op

* Recap the roles of CDI and property management

* Have the board ID top goals for the coming year

  • Old Business
    • Septic line replacement 7937 RTE 2A
    • 553 Hemlock  Exploratory Dig
    • Re-bury / winterize water line running under the brook
    • Speed Bumps- Warning Signs  – Notice of Install and installation
    • Change in Board Emails- Expected time Frame to have it completed?
    • Paving Project –  Pillsbury – by next Friday
    • ANR – Grant for 3 Acre rules – Decision now in October  2022
    • 612 Hemlock – Electrical
    • Two Homes on New Mound System, septic lines at wrong elevation, will back up eventually – Quote provided
    • 287 Hemlock – Asking about ditching in the back
  • New Business
    •  Outdoor Cat Population
    • Initiate conversation about Emergency Preparedness
    • Initiate conversation about Welcome Packet and contents for new members
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjourn Meeting

August 2022 Monthly Board Agenda


ST George Community Co-op Inc

Board Meeting Agenda

August 15 , 2022  Time:  6:00pm

Location:  Little Red School House, Barber Road

Meeting is Open to Members

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of the minutes
  • Reports
    • Property Management
    • Finance – Treasurer Report
    • Membership 
    • Rules Enforcement
    • Operations
    • CDI
  • Old Business
    • Northwest Septic – Update – Expected Date of Completion?
    • Culvert 7937 / 7945 RTE 2A
    • Septic line replacement 7937 RTE 2A
    • 553 Hemlock  Exploratory Dig
    • Electric Quick Connect at 25 Birch
    • Re-bury / winterize water line running under the brook
    • Speed Bumps- Warning Signs  – Notice of Install and installation
      • Add Speed Bumps near 274 / 287 Hemlock?
    • Change in Board Emails- Expected time Frame to have it completed?
  • New Business
    • Paving Project –  Working with Todd PIllsbury -quote
    • ANR – Grant for 3 Acre rules – Update 
    •  Discuss  State of Lawns and vehicles parking on lawns unregistered vehicles
    • 123 Birch – Absentee owner, no updates on occupancy
    • 612 Hemlock – Electrical
    • Final Details – rundown for Membership Meeting
  • Open Forum
  • Executive Session
  • Adjourn Meeting

Boil Water Notice Lifted

The notice to boil water due to depressurization of the system for installation of the new pressure pumps has been lifted. Test samples for bacterial contamination showed none.

Thank you once again for your patients and understanding as we work to improve our aging infrastructure. Over the past year, we have replaced all well and booster pumps in our system.
